I have a friend who calls himself a talent acquisition expert? One day, maybe six months ago, he calls me up and goes through a mini rant about people he meets when socializing. The what do you do question is getting new responses. Content manager, Content creation, Blogger and apparently in the conversational mix there are folks like myself looking to recreate themselves as OO developers. That he is ranting means he will continue to dig and figure out how to connect people looking for these people with only the best.
For myself I just want to be connected with the best coffee shops, taco places, brisket joints and maybe the occasional rueben, dim sum, curry and even Italian beef.
The trip this time was simple but it took me two trips to get my blog material.
The first trip. I thought I would deviate and just have my two favorite taco meats while on the way to an Open Gov Hack Night presentation on Github for Governments at 1871. So I took the 80 to a block away and then when leaving had to traverse a block again to a stop and on down to the Brown Line.
So I went into the nice little yellow and black building. I was greeted by a nice counter person and ordered my two tacos with added guac.
I sat down at table facing a big screen TV that was playing a gladiator movie. I am not sure, at this point, which was which but there was subtitles and audio. One was in Spanish and one was in English. As you can see there was salsa verde and salsa another color to go with chips. I began to enjoy the cross cultural, cross language and cross other things environment that I was in and forgot to take pictures of my tacos when they came.
So, the second trip. Just the 80 to then a block down and a block back to the 80 home again.
Going inside since no one was at the window I found again a helpful counter person and the same movie playing though at least a week had passed. I ordered steak, tongue and steamed beef. No extras. Cilantro and onion. I remembered to ask the counter person to label them for me.
A nice little brown bag to carry home.
Each was wrapped in paper and foil.
The ingredients are all prepared ahead of time. Small packets of factory tortillas get tossed in a microwave then separated onto a piece of parchment held in hand while the other hand grabs handfuls of meat and my chosen onion and cilantro. Then wrapped in foil and labeled. All is flavorful and tender. There is more meat in these than at most taco places, maybe double. One warning is that the salsa verde es muy caliente very hot by Chicago standards.